In his article Repress Yourself in The New York Times (free login necessary) Lauren Slater asks if it's better to repress or express. I wouldn't have mentioned this article if I hadn't have similar thoughts during taking a shower this morning. What about this nasty memories, which trigger you to utter a sudden arrgh? Think them over or just try to forget? — Lauren Slater is the author of Opening Skinner's Box: Great Psychological Experiments of the 20th Century, to be published in 2004. (via Arts & Letters Daily)
p. s.: This article is gone to the archive by now. Sorry. Better make a copy next time …
p. s.: Luckily somebody posted it to usenet.
p. s.: This article is gone to the archive by now. Sorry. Better make a copy next time …
p. s.: Luckily somebody posted it to usenet.
Dienstag, 25. Februar 2003, 12:53 - Rubrik: Leben