Im Gedächtnispalast / Eine Kulturgeschichte des Denkens von Jean-Yves und Marc Tadié (Klett-Cotta, 2003). (via Perlentaucher)
Donnerstag, 27. November 2003, 15:50 - Rubrik: Buch
Turing (A Novel about Computation) by Christos H. Papadimitriou (→ MIT Press, 2003) reviewed by David Langford in The New Scientist:
WHAT a strange book, like an adult SF version of Jostein Gaarder's didactic philosophical fantasy Sophie's World.
WHAT a strange book, like an adult SF version of Jostein Gaarder's didactic philosophical fantasy Sophie's World.
Donnerstag, 16. Oktober 2003, 11:52 - Rubrik: Buch
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The face in the mirror : the search for the origins of consciousness by Julian Keenan with Gordon G. Gallup, Jr. and Dean Falk (Ecco, 2003) reviewed by Carl T. Hal. (via SciTechDaily)
p. s. A review by Karyl B. Swartz in American Scientist online.
p. s. A review by Karyl B. Swartz in American Scientist online.
Mittwoch, 17. September 2003, 15:23 - Rubrik: Buch
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“… a medium for information about the Center and its programs, data about science fiction, informed commentary, and occasional news about SF in general. It also will provide links to other SF information sources.”
Try A basic science fiction library and Libraries in Science Fiction.
Try A basic science fiction library and Libraries in Science Fiction.
Freitag, 5. September 2003, 17:34 - Rubrik: Buch
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“If you enjoyed Brave New World, try some of these Utopias, Dystopias, and Near-Future Reads”.
Freitag, 5. September 2003, 12:11 - Rubrik: Buch
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“January's ‘Essential Science Fiction Library’ isn't a survey of what SF fans have on their shelves, or a scholarly list of important works, but a compilation of fiction intended to capture curious readers' imaginations and inspire further investigation.”
Freitag, 5. September 2003, 12:07 - Rubrik: Buch
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Five facts. (via Arts & Letters Daily)
Dienstag, 1. Juli 2003, 15:10 - Rubrik: Buch
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David Premack and Ann Premack: Original Intelligence. McGrawHill, 2003. Reviewed in science:
Written for a broad audience, Original Intelligence is certain to become a landmark in any journey aimed toward understanding the human mind from an evolutionary perspective. … Premacks' discussions in Original Intelligence highlight three key themes: behavioral and experimental approaches, chimpanzee cognition, and cognitive development in human infants. The contributions and themes both demonstrate David's position as an intellectual descendant of Skinner, Koehler, and Piaget. But his novel ideas--which, on the surface level, bear little resemblance to those of these predecessors--have carried him far beyond this trio.
Written for a broad audience, Original Intelligence is certain to become a landmark in any journey aimed toward understanding the human mind from an evolutionary perspective. … Premacks' discussions in Original Intelligence highlight three key themes: behavioral and experimental approaches, chimpanzee cognition, and cognitive development in human infants. The contributions and themes both demonstrate David's position as an intellectual descendant of Skinner, Koehler, and Piaget. But his novel ideas--which, on the surface level, bear little resemblance to those of these predecessors--have carried him far beyond this trio.
Dienstag, 1. Juli 2003, 12:30 - Rubrik: Buch
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Das könnte ein interessantes Buch sein. Auf deutsch: Jurij Dombrowskij, Suhrkamp, 1990.
Samstag, 28. Juni 2003, 17:51 - Rubrik: Buch
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Trotz Timeout: Steve Brooks vom Naturhistorischen Museum in London hat ein Buch über Libellen geschrieben und fotografiert (Dragonflies, April 2003). Ich habe es mal bestellt.

Samstag, 28. Juni 2003, 12:11 - Rubrik: Buch
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